Letter from the Secretary General
May 5th, 2007
Advisors and Delegates,
It is my honor to invite you to the 56th Session of Berkeley Model United Nations. The conference will be held March 14-16, 2008 on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley.
BMUN is the oldest high school conference in the nation and we hope you will join us in celebrating 56 years of diplomacy and debate in Berkeley. The Secretariat is dedicated to designing and executing a safe and unforgettable educational experience for high school students. That means:
The largest conference on the West Coast, attracting over 1500 students from across the United States and abroad.
We offer 17 committees, dealing with a wide variety of international issues, with a balance between faster-paced, specialized committees for advanced students to larger committees for those students with less MUN experience.
Over 60 UC Berkeley undergraduate students serving as your chairs. Our Secretariat devotes countless hours to ensuring that you have the best possible experience in committee and at the conference.
We are determined to supporting all students, and as such, encourage you to apply for the BMUN Alumni Scholarship, awarded to 15 individuals each year.
Explore our newly redesigned website for more information about our conference, deadlines, the scholarship, our outreach program, the Bay Area, and much more. Registration will open on September 1, 2007. Please contact USG of External Relations, Danielle Serbin, [email protected], for registration inquiries.
Thank you for supporting our conference and I hope you can join us at BMUN 56 to continue this longstanding tradition of debate and diplomacy. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Aaron Ordower
Secretary General, 56th Session
Berkeley Model United Nations
[email protected]